Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A New Perspective
I read my sister-in-law Melinda's blog on a regular basis. Today she posted books that her daughter wrote about her. Laila is full of spunk and such a sweet little girl. She wrote about her mom in such simple form. The part that touched me was she said her mom is always smiling. I thought I need a new perspective in my life and maybe should try to smile more. I am always stressed about my kids. Maybe if I smiled more they would too. So thanks for sharing those sweet little books with me. SMILE!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Melt Down
Friday after school we had a Primary activity at the church. This was a huge undertaking for us. The activity itself was great, but the kids were truly out of control and some very disrespectful of the adults there. Any suggestions on how to get through to todays kids? I was so exhausted after this adventure! Saturday we had Wanee's (Mark's mom) birthday celebration with her twin sister and their families. It was fun to hear stories about their life and kids. However Mark is the one of the youngest, and he doesn't know many of them so needless to say we hung out with all the teenagers! The kids had fun playing their cousins and running outside! So on to the melt down. You would think that melt downs usually come from your 2 year old right? Not this time. It was me. Yesterday I had it with everything. I called Mark and asked him to please come home. I got in the car and drove north until I arrived in Idaho. I had to GET AWAY! I needed a major break. I was tired of cleaning up spills from Haley after I mopped the floor. Saying keep your clothes on, then keep on your diaper. Don't PEE whoops all over the carpet again and again. That's why I got rid of the dog. Don't unfold the clothes. Then the other 2 came home. Mom can I play. You're so mean. Why can't I do what I want? You're so mean. ETC. During all of this the phone rang 100 times. So I had a melt down. So much for wearing my bodybugg. I stopped and got a Cheeseburger, fries, and a coke and I kept driving. Wow that felt good to write that down. My plan was to stay in a hotel somewhere, but my hubby decided I needed to turn around come home for a all night talk session. He's great! I wish I could send my 3 to work and keep him home more. I am having a much better day today. No melt downs for me. On to the next day as a MOM!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Stockton got ran over by a deer!
Ok so this is CRAZY! Mark took Stockton, Abby and Bridger up to the Utah basketball game last night. After the game they were walking to get back to the train when Mark saw a deer coming towards him. He yelled for the kids to watch out. Stockton didn't hear him so he turned the wrong way and this deer hit him from the side on his knee and knocked Stockton into the snow bank. The deer fell and then got up and ran away. Stockton hit his head really hard. Tons of people came to see if he was okay. Mark was screaming, Abby was crying. They were all shocked. Holy Crow. HE GOT RAN OVER BY A DEER!!! That doesn't happen when you're walking down the street, or does it? Stockton blacked out for just a few seconds. He thought it was a dog. Anyway I got the phone call at 10:20 pm. I thought they were joking with me. When they got home we decided it would be best to take him in to get checked out. Abby was in total shock. She won't go downstairs. I kept telling her that there are not deer in the basement. She slept upstairs in the family room. Stockton got a CT scan. Everything seems ok besides some bumps and bruises. I checked them in school late today. I talked to their teachers so they would believe this crazy story. Needless to say all the kids thought this was cool. We are just thankful that the deer didn't hit him in the chest because it would have killed him. I am still so shocked that this happened. We are so lucky he is okay. SO RANDOM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Highlights of the Week
We are still fighting colds and flu around here. This week we went to see Addison our Nephew in Peter Pan up at Weber State. The girl that played Peter Pan was amazing. Addison did a great job as a Pirate. Abby has acting in her blood. She begs every minute of the day to do plays. So I need to get on that. She is in a singing group so we are busy with that until summer. She also really wants to get back into cheer and tumbling. What to do? I feel like somedays I run in circles. I can't imagine adding anymore to our schedule and check book. The best part of the week was Thursday. Our friends Mike and Lorey from Vegas were in town. We met them for a late dinner and Mark and Mike went to the Jazz game. Lorey and I went to a chick flick. It is always so fun to be with them. When we lived up at the U village they were like Stockton's second set of parents. Most weekends we would play games. Lorey and I usually beat them in Canasta! We love to rub it in too. The great dalmuti was also a favorite we played. It about killed us when the moved to Vegas. We look forward to seeing them when ever we can. Stockton earned his tenderfoot, citizenship of the nation and first aid merit badges in scouts.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Highlights of the Week

This has been a really rough week for me. First I got shingles again for the 4th time. On top of that I got a horrible cold that doesn't want to go away. I finally got on an antibiotic. Saturday we took our kids sledding over in Kaysville. Haley loved getting all dressed in her snow clothes and boots. She loves getting to go outside. Can't wait for Spring! Mark went with them while I stayed in the truck with a box of tissues. I was alot of fun! They were worn out after and hour in the snow. Sunday we went to my nephew Tate's baby blessing. It's always fun to get together and visit afterwards. Janene and her family came over for a couple of hours after to visit at our house. The kids loved playing with each other. Wish they lived closer.
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