I love Christmas time it is my favorite holiday. This year we really tried to talk more about the true meaning of Christmas. Every night before going to bed Haley and I sang Away in the Manger. She would stop me every so often ask questions like: Why didn't Mary have a blanket to put on her baby? Why didn't they give the baby a bed? She really was interested in learning more about baby Jesus. She knows the words now to Away in the Manger and when given the chance she will sing it over and over again.
It is a tradition in the Welch family to act out the Nativity. We usually have several Mary's this year was no exception. Haley was Mary this year and so proud of that. She rocked her baby Jesus and kissed him all while sucking her thumb. Jane shared her thoughts about her trip to where Jesus was born. While she was telling her story Haley sat mesmerized at stareing at her with big bright eyes. It was so cute to watch her.
We had a wonderful Christmas. Everyone got what they wanted, and the best part is we were all together.