
I love Easter. I love that it is suppose to be Spring. Ha Ha not this year! I love the candy, and watching my kids get so excited to be with cousins to hunt eggs. I love going to church and listening to the talks and feeling the spirit. I am thankful most of all for our families. I love that we have a large extended family that gets together every Saturday before Easter to have a picnic. I had never heard of rolling or throwing eggs until I married into the Welch family but I look forward to this every year. I missed those who were out of town this year. Sandy and Melinda were gone on family vacations, and Wendi lives in Washington. I always love that every Holiday we all get together and celebrate with each other. I hope those in our extended family realize how blessed we are. I love to visit with all my married nieces and nephews and their cute kids. We were able to go to Terry's and Cyrrena's. The older kids hid the eggs outside before it rained. Haley was really confused about what was happening. Mark had to work so we missed him. It really was a crazy day because Stockton had a soccor game. We missed the picnic part, but were so glad we made it for the egg hunt. My side of the family got together later in the day for our egg hunt. We had a great time. We actually hunted for eggs in the rain. It was a fast hunt. We ordered pizza and had a picnic inside on the kitchen floor. It was quite the site.
Looks like you guys had a fun Easter. Too bad it rained! We have sure had some crazy weather huh.