Thursday, March 5, 2009

Weight Loss Adventure

I have been on this huge health kick since Jan. 1. I am down 14 pounds now Yeah for me! I went down and had Mark check my Cholestrol last week, and once again it was a new motivation for me to kick my behind in shape. So first thing in the morning I do 1 hour of core videos on the ball which leads to very sore thighs and butt. Then I do the treadmill for an hour. I am so dedicated to getting in shape this year and keeping the weight off. I bought a bodybugg about 3 weeks ago. I love this little computer or whatever it is. I love knowing how many cals. I've burned and how many are left to burn in a day.

Haley is my little buddy. Every morning she says "my need to get my workout clothes on" so off we go downstairs where she works right along side of me. Sometimes she climbs on the treadmill with me. Most of the time she tells me to go ride the bike cause it's her turn on the treadmill. She is so fun and patient with me on this adventure.


  1. way to go Jill! That is a big accomplishment to lose 14 pounds!!!!

  2. Way to go Jill! Keep up the awesome work. Just think how much more fun summer will be with your new HOT bod! =)

  3. That is so awesome! I need to take a lesson from you and be more dedicated. Keep it up!!

  4. Wayne got a body bug too...and has lost 5 lbs in the first weeek....hmmmmm
    Keep moving!

  5. That is SO Awesome Jill!! 14 should be super proud of yourself!!

  6. congrats jill! I can't wait till it is walking weather! We have been exercising with our girls every night. Chad is totally hooked to biggest loser and it has motivated him to lose weight as well. It has been good to get us all exercising! I love how little haley wants to run and get her clothes on. That is so cute!

  7. yea jill!! what is a body bugg?
