Monday, February 14, 2011


The day finally arrived for the much anticipated show.  The girls could hardly contain their excitement.   They have worked so hard on this little show for 5 months.  After the first 2 months of rehersals, half of the cast quit.  This was so stressful on the cute little 12 &13 year old directors.  They asked Abby if her little sister could be Molly.  Knowing full well Haley would be a handful for them, I told them no.  After a month of searching for a "Molly" I decided I would let Haley go to one rehersal just to see if it would work.  They called after and begged me to let her.  I am so glad I did.  She loved it!  It gave me a break..WIN WIN for all!  She stole the show with her expressions & sassy voice.  She even stole some of Abby's lines.  Thanks to all who came and supported our girls!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how cute! I heard they did such a good job!
