Sunday, January 18, 2009

Highlights of the week

This week Stockton was one of ten in his school to go to the district Science Fair. We took the kids and thier friends to the Utah Utes parade in SLC. I think Mark had the best time of all of us. Haley's new thing is to run around the house and say "what that mell (smell) like"? She obviously has a Welch nose. Our new found fun is playing Rock Band with the kids. It's fun to see Abby singing and Haley on the drums and Stockton on the Guitar. They are quite the sight. Love them!


  1. We just got Rock Band 2, and it's great! They have a "No Fail Mode" which is fun so Sierra and Ryan can both play. :)

  2. I need that. I do good at singing. Everything else is 50% or failed. By the way I can't find your blog.

  3. Hey..I want a Rock Band picture of you all doing your thing!

  4. Sounds like you guys have a lot of fun! It would be fun to see a picture! :)

  5. That sounds like will have to invite us over for a rock concert!!
