Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gall Bladder

Last Tuesday I got my Gallbladder taken out. For the last two years I have had Gallbladder attacks, and well I got sick of it. It was a fast in and out surgery, and now I hopefully can enjoy eating without those horrible pains. I am so blessed to be in a great ward with so many friends. We had calls offering dinners, treats, babysitting. Thanks to all you wonderful people! Now on with life of recovery. My sweet little Haley doesn't understand why she can't run and jump on me, or why I can't pick her up. I just tell her give me some time. Whatever she's thinking. Mark is always such a huge help when I am down. He goes into superman cleaning mode. I love it, I can always expect a clean kitchen. The dishwasher is always going, clean clothes being folded and put away. I love that he does this for me so I can recover without everything falling apart. He is the best, and I can't imagine life without him. Love you Mark!


  1. I was shocked when Abby told me you were having surgery. I am so glad that it was quick and that you are on the mend. And way to go, Mark! You gotta love a man who does dishes! I hope you're feeling back up to par soon!

  2. I'm so glad you're beginning to feel better! I can't believe what short time there was between hearing about your gall bladder problems, and then hearing the news that you'd had it taken out! Like two days! That's so nice that you have a husband who will take over like Mark does. Recovering from anything major is so much easier when you have a nice big helping hand. I will say, I was pleasantly surprised at how clean and put together your home seemed when I went over there! I thought your kids had just taken over or something! Mark must make one good "Mr. Mom." :) Love you guys.

  3. Hey I hope you are feeling better!! Haley was so good when she came to play. I need to have her over again. She is so sweet to Tate. That is so nice Mark has helped out so much. We love you and your family!!

  4. I'm glad you are feeling better. That surgery is not fun at all, so I'm glad it was just an in out thing!

  5. I hope you are feeling better. You are so lucky Mark is a cleaner when you are down. I hope you are doing better. Take care!
