Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm Happy

I looked at Mark last night on his birthday and for the first time in our married life I realized that I am truly HAPPY!  What a great feeling it is to be truly happy.  I feel so blessed to have a fantastic husband who loves me.  I have three children you bring me much happiness and sadness all at the same time.  I finally realized that life is to short to complain and not be happy.  I don't want to be stuck in a rut..and let each day pass me by.  Yesterday in RS Michelle my neighbor was talking about her little girl going into kidney failure a year ago.  She realize that nothing else mattered except getting Maya better.  She had been offended by someone and she had to forgive that person.  She said she immediately forgave and that she had a new perspective.  I thought about all the people I have offended and how I have been offended.  I hope anyone I have offended will forgive me and I am doing the same.  Life is too short.....

I am Happy!


  1. Yeah! There's no use being anything but happy!

  2. I love it, keep up the happy vibes and send them my way! You have a great family!
