Friday, April 15, 2011


Yesterday we took Abby up to see the Neurologist at Primary's for her migranes. He said from everything on the outside she looked great. We scheduled her for a MRI today. This morning we got to PC at 8:30 and waiting an hour to be seen. She had a man taking care of her, so of course this made her uneasy! He let her pick out a movie to watch while in the tube. She did great, but I was a mess watching him strap her down to the table. He put goggles on her and earphones then started the table into the tube. I felt claustrophobic just watching. The test covered three areas, which lasted 45 minutes. She did great, and now hoping by Monday we will know the results. She has been such a trooper through all these Dr. appts. She gets really scared that something is seriously wrong, but we keep reassuring her everything is ok. We are praying we will know how to help her soon. It's really exhausting for all of us!


  1. That's scary! I hope everything turns out okay.

  2. So sad she has to go through all of this. Hopefully it will help in the end. SMile. Parenthood is a marathon..............

  3. Best Wishes to Abby! I hope they can figure out a way to help your headaches.

  4. Keeping Sweet Abby in our prayers too! That must have been hard to watch!

  5. Let Abby know we are thinking about her and praying for her. I'm so proud that she did well in that MRI. I had one a few weeks ago and I still am freakin' out about it. I wish they would've given me a movie to watch though!! Keep us updated...Hopefully they can figure out what's going on and get her some relief.

  6. Wow!!! She is my hero- so very brave!
    You did good, too... just reading this I am both claustrophobic and anxiety riddled... ;)
