Monday, May 23, 2011

My Haley...

I am starting to think of Haley going to school next year. I am so excited for her and me, but also thiking of how fast time goes by. I can't have anymore kids, and I feel young, so it feels weird that I will be home all alone. Last monday night for FHE, Mark was giving the lesson out of the WHY book. The Topic was "Why we shouldn't have tattoos or multiple piercings. Haley was so intrigued with the pictures of people with tattoos and lots of piercings in the book. That night she asked to say the prayer. "Heavenly Father, Help us to have a good day tonight, help us to not fight. Please help us not to marry anybody with tattoos and lots of earrings!!! We couldn't help but laugh during that. She brings so much life and fun into our family. I am starting to think I might be really sad when she starts school. Love my babe!

1 comment:

  1. I hope she tells Trevor how aweful tattoos and earings are...that might just make that and easier choice for him, if he ever gets faced with the temptation.
