Sunday, November 28, 2010


We had a wonderful time on this Thanksgiving.  We had it with the Welch side.  We are so lucky to have Terry and Cyrrena's  basement that can fit our family in it.  This year going around the table to say what we were thankful got a little teary eyed for all of us.  I love this time of year when we can really express our thanks to and with people we love.  I have so much to be thankful for this year.  I am blessed with a awesome family.  I am so lucky to have a kind, loving husband who loves me.  He is always aware of my needs and is so willing to help take away any burdens.  My kids are growing up with kind and loving hearts.  They bring so much joy into our home. 

Today Stockton, Mark and I spoke in sacrament meeting on "What Matters Most."  This was the perfect topic to talk on.  We both enjoyed studying for our talks.  I think they went okay.  We talked  a lot of "TIME" and how important spending time with our family really is, and that life is too short.  I am also thankful for friends.  I hope you each know how important you are in my life.  I love that I can call any of you and you are right here to help and support me.  Friends are so important!  I am also so grateful for my extended family.  I have great sis-in-laws..I love that we can be friends and do things together.  I learn so much from all of you!

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Jill...You and Mark did a wonderful job speaking in sacrament meeting. I am thankful that you have been such a true and dear friend to me and that we can laugh and enjoy each others company. Thanks for all you do and just being you.
